Sunday, October 16, 2011

What you never knew...

You never knew that I cared
I mean why would you, you dont know me but I know you.
We have always been friends and Ive grown to know and care about you.

Do you really know me?

No one really knows the true me, not even me. This isnt about me. This is about you.

This is for you and you and you... Ive always wanted to tell you guys this but never could.
...Friends for how long? Ive let you in ive told you everything because we were the best of friends now whats left?? Nothing, except the knifes I pulled out of my back
........Im not sure what i would do with out you Bro, you've been gone for so long but now your back and better than ever but you have changed for the worst. Gotten into things that were wrong and you just justify it all.
.................Lets go back to that time where no one even matters it was only you and I. The world around us was moving yet time stood still
.......................We have had the best of times. Never have gotten in a fight besides who called dibs which doesnt even matter because we both know I did! When i thought i lost you, i was scared of that unknown. scared of not laughing any more being by my self

This is for all of you that dont care or just pretend to care. I was weak, weaker than I have ever been before and yeah I tried to kill me self not once but three times haha I look back now and I dont understand why life was so hard but life is just easier with my friends pulling me back and making me strong so thank you all that do and did care for helping me become stronger.

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