Monday, December 12, 2011

Be different

Why do we have to fit in
I know it seems like high school is all we got
I mean its our lives
It is were are friends are at were the girls are at
but we all are the same so we dont get labeled something different

Be different

This is for the LDS missionary's
This is for that couple that has been together since jr high
This is for the facebook stalker  
So here is the truth the girl you love now, you wont love in a year
Yeah she might wright you
Might like this or that
But love ones come and go

Live is gonna give you ups and downs
At times its gonna seem like life hates you and has no one else to pick on
Just remember
Be different

This is for the math geek
This is for the male dancer
This is for the tom boy
This is for everyone
Be who you wanna be
I mean it is the best way to live your life

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Trying to live like Gandhi

Ive always hated who I am
always trying to get better at this or that
Trying to always be my best
trying to keep the peace
When will we own ourselves completely?

Gandhi was almost perfect
well the most recent example that made a huge inpact
main idea was just keeping the peace

better than me
but when he cuts me off to save ten seconds
or she cheats on me because  he"finally cares about her"
(then leaves her when he gets what he wants)
I should brush it off and act like it doesnt matter
but all I wanna do is disrupt the peace

I havent learned yet
I keep forgetting what trust is
Everyone I think I can trust just leaves
all i can do is keep moving forward looking towards the light
And tonight is not the last time I'll see the light.