Monday, September 26, 2011

Trying to Live it Stronger

This is how I see life; life can come and go in a blink of an eye. So if it’s just a split second or if I end up dying slow I want to know I made a difference. To me it doesn't matter how big or small. Even if its as small as smiling at someone or talking to someone that's having a bad day or as big as lifting a helicopter of someone and saving there life cause to me they both had the same result. 

No one knows what is going on in someone's life, every situation is different and everyone reacts differently to it. I might be able to handle a divorce or a dad that doesn’t want anything to do with me but I can’t handle fighting with my mom. This to me is easy, too others they have no idea.

The saying "You can’t judge a book by its cover" is truer then you and I will ever be able to understand. 

A perfect example is me, no one knows but as a sophomore I tried to commit suicide 3 times but because of my friends and their examples I'm still here and they will never know how much they mean to me.   

Have you ever just walked through a store and think "I wonder what’s going on in their life"? I do all the time cause when I'm having a hard day with my family, I just leave and when someone passes and just sends a simple smile it shows me that everything is going to be okay.

I guess I’m trying to say to myself as much as everyone else, why can’t we be friendlier people? We walk through these halls every day; we all have to be here so why not make someone's day, week or even month. I know next time I walk down the hall my head will be up and smiling and saying hello to people as they pass instead of pretending to text cause we all know we do it.

Life is short and can be over in a split second so why not go out with a smile and knowing you could have made a difference. Making a difference is easy you just need to be ready and willing.


  1. "I know next time I walk down the hall my head will be up and smiling and saying hello to people as they pass instead of pretending to text cause we all know we do it."

    Great idea to do. Sometimes we just don't notice it. But we need to make a conscious effort to be a friend and to be able to understand the people around you.

    Great thought.

  2. I love the picture at the very beginning. It is amazing how much a smile can do.

  3. great post
    here is a smile from me to you :D

  4. Ha yes we all will text to pretend we're busy and not worrying about the people around us, or avoiding any awkward moments. Hahaha I'm gonna try not to do that now!
